
Our Difference

Welcome to Ward Family Orthodontics, where we’re not just about straightening teeth — we’re about spreading joy, one smile at a time. With a blend of professional expertise, a dash of fun, and a commitment to excellence, we’ve established ourselves as a leading orthodontic practice in our community. Here’s why we believe Ward Family Orthodontics is not just different, but uniquely suited to serve you.

Spoiler alert: It’s not just our state-of-the-art treatments and shiny equipment (though we’ve got plenty of that, too). It’s the heart, the history, and the sheer joy we bring to orthodontics.

We have High Standards, You Should too

As one of the longest-established practices in the area, we’ve had the privilege of creating generations of beautiful smiles. This long-standing presence means we’re not just a practice; we’re a tradition and a trusted part of families’ lives. Leading our practice is Dr. Ward, a board-certified orthodontist who brings not only a wealth of expertise to his craft but also a genuine care for each patient. His board certification is a testament to his dedication to the highest standards of orthodontic practice, involving rigorous exams and a commitment to ongoing education. But that’s not all — Dr. Ward also speaks Spanish, ensuring that more members of our community feel fully understood and supported throughout their orthodontic journey.

Perhaps what makes us most different is the feeling you get when you walk through our doors. Our office is more than just a place to receive great treatment — it’s a warm, welcoming space where patients of all ages can feel at ease. Our team is excellent at creating an environment that feels like home, where everyone knows they’re receiving the best care and where every visit is an opportunity to catch up with friends. Plus, Dr. Ward is always prepared with a few “dad-jokes,” so we can promise your time with us won’t be boring!

A Reputation Of Clinical Excellence

Ward Family Orthodontics is synonymous with clinical excellence and a high standard of care. Our well-established practice is known for its commitment to quality, from the state-of-the-art technology we use to the continuous training our team undergoes. We believe everyone deserves the best care possible, which is why we strive to exceed expectations in everything we do.

What truly sets us apart is our comprehensive approach to orthodontic treatment. We understand that effective care goes beyond straightening teeth — it’s about understanding and addressing the needs of each patient at every phase of treatment. From the initial consultation to the final reveal of your new smile, we’re with you every step of the way, offering tailored solutions that consider your overall oral health, aesthetic goals, and personal preferences.